It’s something you hear when you connect a thumb drive. It’s something you puzzle about when the noise happens randomly. It’s the boo-doop, which is what I call the default sound that plays in Windows when a new devices is added.
September 4, 2017Stop the Boop-De-Doop
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August 10, 2017Yet Another Tweak to Word 2016I’m certain that the recent changes and updates I’ve seen in Word are due to my Office 365 subscription. I doubt that regular Word 2016 users have seen any changes, yet I’m going to write about them — and do videos — as new features appear. June 5, 2017A Whole Month of YouTubeIt’s been six weeks since I launched my new YouTube channel. I’ve uploaded over 30 videos, most of which are tips on Microsoft Word. I also added an Android tip, just to test the waters.
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June 1, 2017Clear the CacheRecently, my Pixel tablet had an issue with the Maps app constantly downloading. When I checked the notification, the card said, “Canceling.” It was stuck.
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May 11, 2017My Official YouTube Channel AnnouncmentI pulled together this video to help promote and explain my channel. August 4, 2016Wrap Text Around a PictureWhen you stick a picture into a document, Word chooses the inline with text layout option. That’s fine for simple images and it’s pretty easy to understand and format. When you need to get fancy, and take your document formatting up a notch, you choose another layout option for the image.
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July 28, 2016Adding a Simple Image CaptionIn an earlier post, I made a video on how to stick an image into a document at a simple level. At the same basic level, you can quickly add a caption below the image. It’s not a clever trick, but it’s something that requires a few extra steps when you want to do it correctly.
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July 14, 2016A Picture in Your DocumentShoving a picture into a word processing document isn’t anything new. Even the text-based word processors of the late 1980s could accomplish the feat, albeit rather crudely and not in a manner anyone called “delicious.”
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July 1, 2016Format Your ParagraphsForget all the fancy graphics and other whatnot. A document consists of paragraphs, one after the other, flowing down the page. How you format those paragraphs is important. To perform that job, you have two choices.
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June 24, 2016More Fill-In-The-Blanks for WordOne of my most popular YouTube videos explains how to create a fill-in-the-blanks item in Word. The technique demonstrates how to add a blank line to a document, but it really works best only when you’re printing a document. For adding a fill-in-the-blanks item in a document electronically, you need to use something called a Content Control.
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