The year started out slowly, but it ended with a host of interesting images capture from the Wambooli Porchcam, which can view here on this site. The gallery presented in this post represents the more interesting images captured over the 365 days that comprised 2019.
- My son Simon heading off to work.
- December snow storm.
- That’s me, shoveling the walkway. The snow has been sporadic this season and this day was the only time I’ve shoveled. It all melted the next day anyway.
- A rare dry day in December, I’m using the leaf blower to clean the walkway.
- Middle right, someone is walking down the street and illuminated by an oncoming car. No one was killed.
- This rare shot shows my yellow Jeep taking off. I must be going on some mission somewhere.
- A customer visits my Free Little Library.
- That’s me, center left, raking leaves. You see the piles out in the street, waiting for pick-up.
- Halloween. It was on a Thursday this year; only 31 kiddies showed up.
- Rare October snowfall.
- Very rare early October snowfall. It freaked out everyone.
- Very cold day in September, which is normally a summer month here.
- That’s me, mid-center. I’m setting the pavers around the newly-installed Free Little Library. It’s obscured by the tree.
- July 23. 94º/34º. The hottest day of the year. August was unusually cool and wet.
- I wish I could say that’s me walking by, but this person is too skinny! Just a neighbor out having a stroll.
- That’s my sister’s butt you see, pulling stuff from her rental car. She came to visit me after when I was ill back in April.
- Dog walkers.
- Dog walker.
- This is one of a pair of images, taken the same time of day. This jogger was memorably consistent.
- A jogger.
- I’m returning home after some outline, grimly staring at the yardwork that looms once the snow melt.
- Lotsa snow! We got hammered in late February with snow that wouldn’t melt. This condition persisted through mid-March, as you can see.
- Coldest day of the year here, 3º/-16º