This year saw the demise of PorchCam 2.3 and the birth of PorchCam 2.4. It also saw a software upgrade, so that the images are taken at given intervals instead of randomly as people visit the page. The result is an interesting collection of images that review the past year — quite a few of them, in fact.
- The first image captured in 2017. It was a hellish winter, though on New Years Day, the weather was cold and foggy.
- From December to March, it didn’t warm up beyond 32/0. Here you see ice overflowing the gutters above the porch, which kept the Christmas lights up there until spring.
- Snowing like hell; over 12-inches when this image was captured.
- A sunny day, but you can see how high the snow is. I was running out of places to shovel it.
- Busted!
- Here in March, the snow is finally receding. It’s still piled up and solid.
- Raining on the snow.
- You can gauge how deep the snow berms go into the street by where the black car is parked. Yes, it’s parked, not moving.
- Snow finally melting after three months. You can see how much of it is still piled up in the street.
- This image was taken after I updated the PorchCam software. You can see my cat, Morton Boop, sitting on the front walkway in the lower right.
- Damn. More snow.
- Another cat image: That bright speck near the lower right edge is a cat eyeball. The cat’s attached, it’s just his eyeball reflecting the IR light.
- Spring at last! This sunny image shows me returning home, a fortuitous catch! Also, I’ve upgraded the software to display the current temperature.
- My Crazy Neighbor Lady friend came to visit her folks nextdoor. She and her son planted my front lawn with over 500 plastic forks. Evidence.
- I’m just about to enter the picture (right) to mow the lawn. It beats shoveling snow!
- The PorchCam captured a maple leaf falling from the tree. The first leaf of autumn?
- Is that my butt off there in the mid-left side of the picture? I’m probably pulling one of 10,000 chestnuts from the lawn. It’s an annual tradition.
- Halloween.
- First “snow that sticks” of the season, though this stuff melted away after a few days.
- I’m using a break in the weather to leaf-blow.
- The second, or “real,” snow of the season. This stuff is still out there at the end of the month as I write this post.