February 1, 2008

Knock It Off! (Nicely)

Filed under: Main — admin @ 7:20 am

How do you tell someone you know and like that they’re being a pest?

I’m speaking, of course, about those annoying forwarded e-mails. Stuff that someone else things is funny, or sentimental, or political. Those people must believe that they’re doing the rest of us a favor by forwarding along messages. They think that they’re keeping in touch. But it can be a damn pain.

First let me address those of you who forward junk: Basically, STOP.

Second, if you’re going to forward an e-mail, for goodness sake please clean it up! Remove those endless forwards, the lists of e-mail names, and all the indents. Just get to the meat of the matter.

I got an e-mail message yesterday that was 200 lines long. At the very end, after reading hundreds of forwards and carbon copies, I finally got to the one pitiful link being forwarded. I didn’t even bother clicking it.

Finally, if you perpetuate this type of e-mail bomb on your “friends,” then do us all a favor. Ask us if we really want to keep getting your crap — I mean stuff. Unlike advertising or e-mail lists, there is no way for us to “unsubscribe” without fear of hurting your feelings or offending you somehow. (I’m speaking from experience here.)

I’m certain that those who abuse our inboxes with forwarded crap aren’t sending those messages with the intent to annoy us. But just in case: Every so often when you spam (yes, it’s spam) out your friends another message, why not just ask them if they still want to be on your little list?

For example, “jbyrd” who e-mails me often, occasionally asks if I want to keep receiving stuff. I said it was okay, as he cleans up the messages and sends stuff that I don’t find sappy or that hasn’t been floating around the Internet since Moses. Thank you.

To the rest of you: someday I’ll get the nerve up to ask you to remove me from your list. Or else I can just chicken out like others have, and change my e-mail address without telling you.


  1. Good going with this new set up 🙂
    If I may, and you know I’m going to…
    towwad’s TIP:
    I’m handicapped so I increased the size of this page text by using the [u]P[/u]age icon.
    As for Spamming friends and relatives…
    It has been my observation that the vast majority of e-mail users don’t know how to Edit when they want to use Reply, Reply All, or Forward.
    Reply, Reply All, and Forward are the fastest virus and junk spreaders on the Internet.
    You can get around this by Copy–Paste what you want to Send into a New Message.

    Comment by towwad — February 2, 2008 @ 9:00 pm

  2. Good point, TOW. Why is it such people who can’t even handle basic e-mail seem to place the burden upon themselves of being our suppliers of such messages?

    Comment by admin — February 2, 2008 @ 9:34 pm

  3. My girlfriend and grandmother regularly do this. I tell them not to, as it annoys me and cleans up my inbox. Sure, my new copy of Outlook has only been running for about a week, and it already has 60 messages (about 6 or 7 a day), and most of them are from a forum I participate in, but I find it really annoying when I get those damned chain messages saying “forward this onto 10 people blah blah blah” – obviously, they don’t say blah blah blah. But they annoy me. They’ve (finally) stopped. And I promise, that if I ever forward such messages onto someone, you can shoot me. Many times.

    Comment by Douglas — February 16, 2008 @ 5:50 pm

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