November 9, 2014

Apple is Number Five!

Filed under: News — admin @ 6:53 am


According to IDC, the company that has all the numbers, Apple now ranks fifth for all computer sales worldwide. The numbers aren’t impressive overall, and historically Apple has never held a huge chunk of the market, but this new statistic is actually an increase.

It might have something to do with what I would like to call “more reasonable” pricing for its computer line.

Apple has always charged a premium for its product. On paper, comparing a Mac to a PC gave anyone the impression that Apple was price-gouging. Perhaps, but people still loved their Macs. With support and a relatively malware-free and well-working operating system, I’d have to tip in favor of the Mac. I do recommend them to some people.

Anyway, this is good news for Apple. And I hope it makes the board realize that they sell more than mobile devices.


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