April 18, 2014

Robot Revolution Update

Filed under: News — admin @ 7:18 am

I find it gratifying that I’m not the only nut claiming how robots will one day destroy us. The movie Transcendence is more about Artificial Intelligence than robots — but who cares! It’s the same deal: mechanical life eventually destroying the world as we know it.

Good thing? Bad thing? Avoidable?



  1. All this clamoring about AI becoming self-aware and taking control is nothing new. Way back in the days of Fortran people thought computers would make human programmers obsolete and computers would write their own programs. What a joke that turned out to be, C is still the default language for getting anythig serious done, and I think we all know how well a job that computers do of writing C on their own (ha ha). Quite honestly people who are trying to create this hysteria about AI dont know anything about AI. Even humans can barely manage complexity in programs, the idea that computers are going to suddeny spring awake by some magic algorithm and do things on their own is a joke.

    Comment by BradC — April 22, 2014 @ 11:52 am

  2. It makes for wonderful conversation. The topic of predictive systems is also along these same lines: Theoretically, given enough data a computer could predict your actions for a 24-hour period. The problem is that one element of chance that seems to throw off prediction of complex systems, also known as Chaos Theory.

    Then again, Chaos Theory can work the other way as well: Suppose some day self-programming is not only possible but icy cold effective?

    Comment by admin — April 22, 2014 @ 11:57 am

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