March 21, 2008

Revving Up a DOS Box

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Do you miss DOS? (Get it: MS-DOS? Ha!) You probably don’t. If you knew what I know about DOS, you’d wake up every day and pray thanks to the computer gods that it’s no longer around. But, then again, DOS had some really good software. There are also some pioneering games that I remember fondly.

Windows XP and Windows Vista come with a Command Prompt. It’s not DOS. The Command Prompt is simply a text-based shell similar to DOS. But since Windows ME, the command shell is a program, not an operating system. All that old DOS software that you used might work in the Command Prompt window, but probably won’t.

So whether you’re longing for the days of DOS or you need to run old DOS software, there is a solution available.

The DOSBox project attempts to bring a stable DOS environment to a variety of modern operating systems.

Yeah, that’s funny: stable DOS environment. Regardless, you can visit the DOSBox web site and download a copy of DOSBox for your Windows, Linux, or even Mac computer. Now it’s not really DOS, but it does run ancient DOS programs.

And if you lack any old DOS programs, visit the Vetusware site and download some free stuff. I just went there to download a copy of DOOM 1. In fact I ran the program on my Macintosh in a DOSBox window. The sound didn’t work well, but it was DOOM in all its original low-res, 2.5D gory glory.


  1. I’ve used this program after visiting Vetusware too. I use to (funnily enough) run Windows 3.1 (don’t laugh). It runs quite well, except I can’t install an old copy of Office 4 I found, because of the lack of SHARE.EXE. Sigh…

    Good program, but.

    Comment by Douglas — March 21, 2008 @ 12:13 am

  2. I’m glad that you said that because it was one thing I was curious about. I don’t know whether I still have a copy of Windows 3.1 around. I know that I once did. I know that I have an old, old PC out in the boneyard that still boots up in Windows 3.1.

    Thanks for the info, Douglas!

    Comment by admin — March 21, 2008 @ 6:10 am

  3. I’ve actually installed Windows 3.1 under Dosbox in order to play some old Windows games. Works surprisingly well.

    Comment by JohnnyK — March 21, 2008 @ 1:14 pm

  4. I’ve noticed it’s not very good with sound, and sometimes it refuses to accept keyboard input.

    Comment by Douglas — March 24, 2008 @ 7:20 pm

  5. I use IBM DOS 5.02, Rev 0 and Windows For Workgroups 3.11.
    I got IBM DOS 5 disks from my dad, someone got rid of a computer kit and those were in there. I got WFW3.11 from VetusWare, and I run it all on an IBM Aptiva that used to run Windows 95.

    Comment by linuxlove — July 17, 2008 @ 10:03 am

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