June 1, 2013

Windows 8 Official Sucks

Filed under: News — admin @ 1:01 pm

Because now they’ve announced Windows 8.1, that will once again allow you to start your computer at the Desktop instead of the stupid tile interface that everyone hates and no one uses.

It’s about freakin’ time.

The article (link below), also contains this quote

Research group IDC has blamed Windows 8 for accelerating a decline in PC sales.

My guess is that the manufacturers are seething with Microsoft over this abuse operating system. Is the nightmare over, or is it too late for the PC and Windows to recover?

Article Link


  1. If you put your conspiracy theory cap on and look Microsoft’s strategy from a marketing point of view instead of a technical point of view, you see that everything you think is a mistake is actually a well planned success. For Microsoft’s business model to work they have to get all their users to switch to a new OS every 2 to 4 years. The NT kernel is state of the art, you cant really improve on it, so they have to give an improved user experience. Starting with Vista, lets just say for sake of argument that Vista was a huge improvement in stability and security over XP like a lot of people claimed. OK, whats next? You cant make another OS that is only an incremental improvement and expect everyone to switch. So I think they made Vista bloated on purpose knowing that they would provide win7 afterward. OK, now what? They cant keep making tiny improvements to win7, they need something entirely new. So they come up with win8 and hype it as a hybrid touchscreen/desktop. You can argue the loss of PC sales is a mistake, but MS doesnt sell hardware, they are only concerned about everyone getting new windows licenses. They also succeeded in muddling the water as to what a tablet OS is. Sorry Dan, but I think that Balmer is a diabolical genius who has you and everyone fooled and there is really no other way that MS could have made more profit under any other strategy.

    Dan- I noticed your free article on zip archiving and I am wondering what archiving software you use? I cant believe more people dont use PowerArchiver on windows and continue to use winzip and winrar.

    Comment by BradC — June 2, 2013 @ 2:36 pm

  2. I admire your thinking. You may be on to something, but only time will tell. It will be interesting to see how the stock market reacts.

    For archiving I use ZIP or whatever the built-in utility for Mac OS X or Windows is. I’ve not tried anything else in a while. That free article needs updating!

    Comment by admin — June 2, 2013 @ 3:17 pm

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