March 25, 2011

MySpace 10 Million Users Lighter

Filed under: News — admin @ 3:40 pm

Poor Tom. He’s losing friends faster than Muammar Khaddafi.

MySpace is not the big deal it once was. Soon, Facebook will not be the big deal it once was. New social networking sites appear every week. I’ve said it before: Someday Facebook will be as trivial as AOL is today.

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  1. The only people I know who use my space are bands, but they seem to now prefer using sound cloud to post their tracks on Facebook.

    Comment by chiefnoobie — March 27, 2011 @ 3:18 am

  2. Given the nature of this post, I went ahead and canceled my old MySpace account. Immediately after the confirmation email, I got a notice from MySpace telling me that some merchant wanted to be my friend. Slimeballs.

    Comment by admin — March 27, 2011 @ 6:49 am

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