November 17, 2010

The New Office: BAH

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

The computer revolution — and I’m talking about the 1980s computer revolution — was supposed to lead us to the paperless office. Didn’t happen. In fact, I venture to say that the computer has done more to sell office supplies than any other machine in history.

I’ll use myself as an example, because I’m handy and I have to write a blog post for tomorrow and I happen to be in my office and available right now.

Around my computer workstation I have the following office supplies:

  • Post-It Notes
  • A pen
  • A highlighter
  • Paper clips
  • A calculator
  • A ruler
  • A dictionary, thesaurus, and other references
  • A pad of paper
  • File folders with papers in them

I could go on, but you get the idea. The only thing different between my office today and what my office would have been were I a writer in the 1960s would be a typewriter instead of a computer.

The odd thing is that all the office crap I have around my computer also exist as programs or utilities on the computer itself: Post-It Notes, Calculator, Dictionary, and all the rest also exist in the digital world. So why bother buying those things?

Answer: Because they remain useful. In fact, I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have a pen and a pad of paper by their computer. You need those things!

Yeah, I tried using the digital versions, but it’s just not the same. For example, you can take notes on the computer, but you will probably print them to have a copy with you. (Of course, that could change with portable computing devices, but there isn’t a way currently to swiftly slide a note from your computer desktop to your phone.)

I suppose the paperless office revolution was over when computer printers continued to sell. Face it, there is just something handy about having something in the real world. I mean, it’s easier for me to jot down a note on a Post-It than it is to fire up the Post-It app and type the note. I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is for me.

Even my kids keep paper and writing implements handy by their computers. When they don’t, they ask me for a pen and a pad of paper, which I have handy.

Will there ever be a time when we truly don’t need office supplies? Will there ever be a paperless office?


  1. Grabbing a pen and writing something down will always be people’s preference because it will always be more convenient than going to Start > all programs > accessories > Sticky notes. Then typing something in.

    That, and it will never be as permanent or as noticeable as an actual piece of paper.

    Comment by gamerguy473 — November 17, 2010 @ 5:58 pm

  2. LOL

    Comment by admin — November 17, 2010 @ 6:03 pm

  3. It’s a very human thing to do this, I think even if it was possible to instantly use a program to write notes, people would still use pens, there’s just something more ‘real’ about taking a phone message in your own handwriting then passing it on. Saying that I usually take down a message on a pad with very bad writing holding the corner of the post it pad with my elbow, them proceed to email the relevant person from the office the message. Unless they are sitting close to me then I will just hand them the paper. Also sometime hand writing things can help you remember things more easily or understand it a bit more that is if you can read your own writing!

    Comment by chiefnoobie — November 18, 2010 @ 12:39 pm

  4. Actually, does anyone know someone who does notes or shopping lists and prints them out from a computer? I’ve never seen such a thing!

    Comment by admin — November 18, 2010 @ 12:53 pm

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