September 15, 2008

Seinfeld Ads Verdict: Meh

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Have you seen them? The new ads for Windows that feature comedian Jerry Seinfeld and Bill Gates? Funny? Yes, in a Seinfeld way. But for the life of me I cannot figure out what the heck they’re trying to sell.

The ads have been universally panned. I don’t know anyone who is claiming that they’re stunningly effective. Absolutely no one is saying that the new Microsoft ads will somehow be able to crack the charm and marketing power of Apple’s Mac guy and PC guy ads. That’s because Microsoft’s $300 million ad campaign can’t touch those guys.

pc may guy

The Apple ads are genius. They defy normal advertising, where one of the cardinal rules is that you don’t mention the other guy’s product. Yet in the Apple Switch ads, exactly that happens: The PC guy touts the PC and Windows platform and the Mac guy, for most of the ads, just stands there. Sometimes he says a pleasant word or two about the Mac, but mostly he just reacts to the oafish PC guy.

The Mac guy creates a personna that most computer users would like to have: casual, comfortable, relaxed, at-ease with his technology. The PC oaf comes off as confused, frustrated, desperate, and angry. Who uses a PC and cannot identify with that? It’s brilliant! Home run, Apple!

Now look at one of the new Seinfeld/Gates ads.

I admit that it’s funny. Humor is a plus in advertising. But what resonates with me is when the family tells Bill and Jerry that they’re clueless. Indeed. How is watching a funny episode of the Bill & Jerry Show going to convince me to buy (or even enjoy) Windows? It’s a huge question that the commercial, second in the series, doesn’t even touch.

You would think that Microsoft would have learned from American Express. What? You don’t remember? Back in 2004, when the Mac guy/PC guy campaign was just two years old, Jerry Seinfeld did a marketing campaign for American Express featuring Superman. It went nowhere. Funny, yes, but it didn’t work. Microsoft obviously doesn’t study history.

I’m only mildly interested in watching further episodes of the Bill & Jerry Show. Unless the story goes somewhere and goes there quickly, I’m tuning out. That’s not brilliant advertising, and not a prudent investment of $300 million.


  1. What the… What is the point if these ads? They are so stupid! Please. MS Should find someone better that Jerry Seinfeld.

    A Wild Microsoft shows up!
    Go, Apple!

    Comment by linuxlove — September 15, 2008 @ 9:47 am

  2. It wouldnt have been so bad if they’d run these ads before the Vista debacle, then it could have beat the apple ads. I personally think the apple ads are corny, like slacker dude trying to be a mac user. If MS had run these ads when XP was their flagship OS, then it could have given a more human touch to MS. But now its like…”uh, dont mind Vista, just watch Bill do his robot routine”.

    Comment by BradC — September 18, 2008 @ 12:10 am

  3. Funny.

    Comment by admin — September 18, 2008 @ 7:33 am

  4. This Just In! Microsoft is dropping Seinfeld.

    Comment by admin — September 18, 2008 @ 8:41 am

  5. What a waste of $300 mil. Down the drain. GOOD!!!

    Comment by linuxlove — September 20, 2008 @ 5:28 pm

  6. Shame. Just as I was warming to them.

    Quite amusingly, examining the metadata of some of the new “I’m a PC and I feel persecuted” ad photos, one can tell they were authored not using Expression Media, but using Photoshop CS3 – Macintosh Edition. Mwahaha!

    Comment by Jonathan Rothwell — September 22, 2008 @ 11:11 am

  7. Too funny!

    Comment by admin — September 22, 2008 @ 1:22 pm

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