May 12, 2010

Facebook, I’m Done

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

I joined Facebook nearly two years ago. It was at the urging of a classmate so that we could coordinate our High School Reunion. Just this week, my relationship with Facebook has expired.

This blog is littered with examples of my derision for Facebook:

I’ve enjoyed using Facebook. I have fun with it. I make fun of people and post useless information to make people laugh or provoke them. It was a good time. But recently, things have gotten out of hand.

So far this month, I’ve received three malicious links via Facebook. They come as personal messages, “wall posts,” or email “your friend thinks you would like” notifications. They were all bogus; all of them led to links infested with malware or were intended to trick you into doing something compromising to your computer security.

While the social aspect of Facebook is enjoyable, I seriously question whether the Facebook developers really give a damn about security. They’re like drug pushers: They have millions of people hooked on Facebook. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Face it: Facebook is currently the most populous, target-rich environment for the Bad Guys. Millions and millions of users are addicted to Facebook. There may be attacks now, but it’s going to get worse in the future. Much worse.

Gizmodo has an interesting anti-Facebook post you might want to check out: Top Ten Reasons You Should Quit Facebook. Read the list. It’s interesting and compelling, and not just Gizmodo being cute.

I’m not giving up on social networking. I can see the advantage and, as I’ve written already, I enjoyed what I did on Facebook. Eventually I do see a more distributed social networking model developing. There are alternatives out there, though Facebook has the big lead.

Who knows? In a few years, Facebook may become the realm of decay that AOL and Geocities eventually became. I can only hope that day comes soon.


  1. Right now and I’ve said it before, I see no need for me to use Facebook or Twitter. IRC and the forums I run are plenty enough communication for me.

    If I had a Facebook account (which I won’t have one) then it would just sit there gathering dust.

    Comment by linuxlove — May 12, 2010 @ 8:46 am

  2. I have a second Facebook account I never use, one that I forgot the password. I get mail from it all the time, but can’t answer because I DON’T KNOW THE PASSWORD. Facebook is broken. :\

    Comment by admin — May 12, 2010 @ 1:54 pm

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