February 22, 2010

A Facebook of Fools

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Are most of the people who use Facebook really that gullible, or is it just my little clutch of Facebook friends?

Facebook is a social networking site where people who would otherwise complain about the constant invasion of our privacy post the most intimate and boring details of their lives.

I suppose this whole social networking phenomena is an extension of Andy Warhol’s famous quip, “In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.” I’d like to add my own version of the quote: In the future, everyone will be famous for 160 bytes.

One of the current trends on Facebook, one that annoys me to no end, is the “copy and paste this whatever as your status to show that you blah-blah-blah.”

For example, a long time ago, women on Facebook were urged to post the color of their brassiere as their “status.” So, you’d see various female freinds on Facebook have a status of “green” or “pink” or even “white.”

During that time, I posted my status as “purple” and received some interesting comments. Eventually, someone clued me into what was going on. Apparently, by posting your bra-color status you were supporting breast cancer research or something.

How posting the color of your intimate clothing on Facebook can help breast cancer research is beyond me.

Of course, that didn’t stop the nonsense. A recent trend in the “I’m too unoriginal to think of anything in my private life worthy of sharing on Facebook” was to copy and paste strings of characters to show that you worship Jesus, support Sarah Palin, want government health care, or that you love your kids.

It’s all nonsense.

So I figure that my Facebook friends are either all bored and don’t have a life, or that they’re just a bunch of jokers. I pray for the latter. Even so, considering that they could be bored and lifeless, I decided to make up something and slide it into the current “post this as your status” Facebook trend.

Before divulging my evil intent, understand that I consider myself an artist. An agitator artist. I enjoy art that says, “The King has no clothes.” That was one of my favorite stories when I was a kid, and I believe it goes along with my life’s theme of annoying the pompous and self-important a-holes who want to run the universe.

Yes, to annoy people can be considered art. Trust me, I have a degree in art from UCSD and that’s what I learned there. (It might not be exactly what they taught.)

Here is what I posted as my status on Facebook:

I’m tempted to start a rumor for all the Facebook dorks out there, and it goes like this: Set your Facebook status to “Loves Starbucks” print it out and take it to Starbucks for a free drink. But I’m not that evil.

Had I really been evil, I would have posted this as my status:

Set your Facebook status to “Loves Starbucks” print it out and take it to Starbucks for a free drink.

And then, just to tweak them, I set my status to this:


  1. The reason why I won’t do Facebook, too much confusion?
    Well, unless it’s a job requirement that I know how to use Facebook, I’m not going to get on there. Instead, I’ll go poke around my own forums or IRC server.

    Comment by linuxlove — February 22, 2010 @ 6:38 am

  2. I started out on Facebook about two years ago. The reason was to coordinate with friends for my High School reunion. It worked, but I was massively reluctant to join Facebook after finding no use for MySpace. Most of my Facebook “status updates” poke fun of Facebook and its rabid fans.

    Comment by admin — February 22, 2010 @ 6:45 am

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