September 19, 2011

Computer Woes on my PC

Filed under: Main — Tags: , , — admin @ 12:01 am

Yes, it happens to me: Occasionally my computer dies. And, yes, even I whip out a copy of my own book, Troubleshooting & Maintaining Your PC All-In-One For Dummies to look up an answer.

September 17, 2011

Droid X Keyboard Bug to be Fixed

Filed under: News — admin @ 10:10 am

A lot of people have noticed that the Droid X keyboard is flakey. Not the Swipe keyboard, but the multi-touch (standard) keyboard. Sometimes it just doesn’t work.

Well, apparently Motorola and Verizon are aware of that, or finally admitting to it, or something. A fix is due out early next week.

Article Link

September 14, 2011

More Windows 8 Touchy-Feely Stuff

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Microsoft has seen the future of Windows and it’s touching. Well, touching the screen to be specific.

September 12, 2011

Windows 8 Week

Filed under: News — admin @ 6:51 am

Microsoft is preparing to sell Windows 8 this week. Not to you, of course, but to its big customers.

Going on Hiatus for Spell

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

I’ve decided to run for office again here in my home town. So for the next eight weeks or so, I’m going to be blogging over at my personal/campaign site. This site will have to take a back seat to my regular blogging until after the campaign. Even so, I do plan on posting here as issues arise and things change.

Thanks for understanding!

September 5, 2011

My Very First File Transfer

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Way, way back when, I had a 300 bps modem. It sent data about as fast as a typical person can read. So, for example, it took maybe 3 seconds to display a line of text. I’m serious.

September 4, 2011

Laptops ≠ Teachers

Filed under: News — admin @ 1:59 pm

In Idaho, where I dwell, our State Supernintendo has introduced a plan to bring laptops into K-12 classroom. I stand opposed, even though I’m a high-tech guy and I love gizmos. That’s because I just don’t think it’s going to work.

As the son of a teacher and brother to a college professor, I’ve got to tell you: Nothing replaces a good, solid teacher in the classroom.

Article Link

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