April 28, 2008

What’s in a Name?

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

Pentium? Athlon? I’m often fond of saying that today’s processor names sound like characters from cheesy science fiction. In fact, I put my theory to the test.

Below you find the output from a small program that I’ve written. It produces 140 “random” words that sound like they could either be a new CPU name or the name of some character in a kids’ science fiction television show. You decide which!

quagoic protuon paxinum paxayon crapium cryaic peyon
zipion protutran tixoyon techyon paten zitayz pytanum
zapiten zloteum penium xotex pytuax nurpheyz blorpuic
cyryyn novaiyx zlotunum nurphaten tizoon paxunium cyruum
onafaz poium zedutex pentitax powtiic zapatez pentitez
blorpaax cyrayx numyum toyum pentuyon nurpheyn powteax
tizyon xogaic zedaax toitax inaten zedofaz poitran
blorpinum protytax cytium tizaten petez powtuon zitonum
tiziax poayn pytran proteic xeum pentyyon zipoax
zlotuten xetax zipynium xogitex protitex tizitax cytoten
gaxoyn zitoyn zipytex pytonon techitex cytytran nurphaic
zlotanon inuum xiax zapoic exetran pytoax zityic
tixiax zlotanum tizonum gaxenon poxynium tixyfaz tixanum
xyax oneic poyum nurpheyon pytytran protoyz xunum
tounum ziteyx cryoyon zedonum numotax novainon nurphytex
quagefaz crapiyx poeon cytatex uthoon gaxitax pentyyz
exitex quadiyz inuic paxayx xogitran quadetez blorpyum
uthitax quadoon onotez techinium cyxetax nurphayon poanon
zloteten tizayn oniic zipynon tixuic quadutax zapeon
xanium paxonum poinon exatex poxuum techuyon panium

You can go to my 140 Random Names page to see more names.

Nerdy Stuff. The program is written in PhP. It uses the following 36 prefixes:

pent pax pox p prot gax xog zap ath quag blorp crap
pyt zip nurph tix uth num zed zit powt tech zlot tiz
cyt cry cyr cyx ex in to quad po x on nova

One of those is followed by a vowel (or ‘y’). Then I stick on one of 17 suffixes:

tran tax faz tex ten tez um on
ic yn yz yx nium num yon non ax

Mix ’em. Randomize them. And … ta da!

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