August 18, 2013

Facebook Flaw Oops

Filed under: News — admin @ 2:35 pm

Supposedly, Facebook dishes out $500 a pop when you report a security breach. That is unless you’re a Palestinian hacker who can only bring attention to the issue by breaking security and posting directly to Zuckerberg’s wall.



  1. Not only did they screw this guy but they also managed to de-incentivise their own incentive program. People who were previously working for money from Facebook will now either not do the work at all, or do the work and sell it to someone else for much more nefarious purposes.

    This works great for companies like Google that actually pay out. They seem to realize that you can’t thwart hackers in-house, even if you’re Google, so why not pay people for what they were going to do anyways?

    Comment by gamerguy473 — August 22, 2013 @ 11:37 pm

  2. Is this what happens when 20-somethings run a multi-billion dollar corporation?

    Comment by admin — August 23, 2013 @ 7:55 am

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