September 27, 2010

YouTube Favs

Filed under: Main — admin @ 12:01 am

The YouTube site does a pretty poor job of telling you which are the most-viewed videos of all time. For that information, you have to search Google.

It really surprised me, but there are videos that have hundreds of millions of views. That blew me away.

I was once impressed just finding a video that had several million views. Now I know that’s small potatoes.

Apparently the most-viewed videos are music videos. I really don’t care about music videos. But after those comes the famous Charlie Bit My Finger at over 225,000,000 views.

After a few more boring music videos from moronic musicians, there is Hahaha, also known as Laughing Baby at over 138,000,000 views:

And then there are more and more music videos. Boring.

Here’s Sneezing Baby Panda at 78,000,000 views:

At nearly 39,000,000 views, the Numa Numa video was the first viral video I remember watching on YouTube. Or I might have seen it before then.

It’s short, it’s sweet, it’s funny, it has nearly 25,000,000 views. It’s Dramatic Look:

At close to 19,000,000 views you’ll find the Star Wars Kid, which teaches us all the lesson of never leaving video tape in the machine when you have jerks for friends:

Down at over 16,000,000 views is Yosemitebear Mountain Giant Double Rainbow 1-8-10, also known as Double Rainbow:

I have no idea why that video went “viral,” as they say. It even spawned a song, which comes in at over 11,000,000 views:

Finally, rounding out my YouTube favs, is Afro Ninja, at over 11,000,000 views:

Any I missed? What are your favorites?


  1. Here’s the link to the whole video where that Afro Ninja video came from:

    Also, I never got what was so great about the Charlie videos. I just never found them that funny.

    Comment by gamerguy473 — September 27, 2010 @ 1:04 pm

  2. So there were a lot of idiots…

    Comment by admin — September 27, 2010 @ 5:38 pm

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